It's rawwwwwww! But that's ok. |
So why the sudden change in attitude and the new enlightened view in culinary technique? Being tired with my food options and quite simply, wanting to try something new. To participate in creating something that can bring my satisfaction and happiness. I wanted to make something that I can be proud of.
I'm also tired of rice and kimchi. I know this sounds like some blasphemous statement to say in Korea but its true, after nearly two years of having rice and kimchi for at least two out of three meals a day, I have to say I'm beginning to tire of the stuff.
That's not to say I hate it, I don't but I've noticed that my portions are usually much smaller than before. The amount of rice I take is equal to one scoop. The kimchi on my plate has gone from dozens of pieces to only several small pieces.
So in the mean time, dinner at my home has become a daily event anticipation, anxiety and for the most part victory. Everyday is a new recipe to try making. Every meal time is a new adventure in cooking to the point that even something simple like stir fried beef with pasta al dente is a monumental achievement to me. Laugh all you want but remember, you're talking to a guy who absolutely hated cooking before to someone who now looks forward to it everyday. This is a big step.
Besides becoming bored with my menu options and taking matters into my own hand, I recently had rediscovered the joy of cooking and preparing food for someone else. It feels good to cook for someone, especially if the appreciation for you efforts and quality of the meal is returned. You're creating something from raw materials in a relatively short amount of time, that is enjoyed by someone you care about. Its like an artist crafting a beautiful work of art, and instead of of it taking years for people to appreciate and understand the nuance, the feedback is almost instantaneous.
I'm slowly beginning to discover the joy and incredible feeling of accomplishment that comes from preparing a delicious meal for yourself. I'm beginning to discover the incredible options and choices available now, that I'm not limited to someone else's menu and my lack of experience.
I'm starting to experience the feelings of preparing delicious food for someone. The feeling of excitement when telling them the different things you can make them and hearing the excitement and anticipation in their voice. I'm getting used to the confidence that comes from cooking and knowing that you can make something that you and everyone else can enjoy.
Will this last? I hope so I'm getting used to cooking for myself and hope I can continue. This is one habit that I wouldn't mind hanging on to.