Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Saying goodbye, Gimcheon style

Working in Korea under a yearly contract is one of the worst things you can do. I’m not talking about the job itself, but rather the people you meet and the unfortunate eventuality that they will, go their separate ways.

I suppose it’s not entirely uncommon to live a life or have a job in which friends come and go, however with overseas teaching jobs, this is a much more common occurrence and an all too common reminder of how easily people and places enter and exit our lives.

At least one person was happy.
Last night, I went to a farewell party for a fellow teacher living and working in Gimcheon. I had first met him only a few weeks after coming to Korea, a friendly guy that I eventually got to know better. He was always funny, always quick with a funny remark and was liked by everyone he met. He was “that” guy, the guy who was always the life of the party, the one who everyone naturally gravitated toward and wanted to be with.

The party itself was not far removed from a typical going away party. Dinner and a few drinks afterwards. Before the party began, I approached the event with slight apprehension, knowing that I would more than likely have a good time, but at the expense of having to say goodbye.

Whenever I was meeting up with people in Gimcehon, it was always a mini event I eagerly looked forward to. We had this amazing ability to take the ordinary and make it spectacular, to turn a small restaurant into a playground of colorful conversation, or a one room apartment into a socially engaging party zone. Our company was what we were after, and our presence was all we needed to have a good time.

This party was no different, despite the somewhat somber occasion; we never let it get to us. Since we were together, there was no excuse to feel sad, but rather celebrate the time that we were able to spend together and the memories we made in our short time here.

Like any outing that we participated in, there were a few ridiculous moments that took place. It wouldn’t be outing with the Gimcheon crew unless something random and in the end, nonsensical took place. This night was no exception.

For your reading pleasure, this is what happened…
       Met a crazy foreigner living in Gimcheon for over twelve years. He loves to talk about imperialism, is married to a wife who doesn't love him, wants to have children but is impotent and has a strong dislike of foreigners teaching and working in Korea. All this I learned about him the first time meeting him. Some people… some people.
The cake is not a lie. 

2.      Tried to get away from this crazy foreigner and try not to get spotted by him again. This required us sneak around the back of building, double back, travel down an alley and creep around corners making sure he didn't see us. We basically played Metal Gear Solid for about fifteen minutes.

After dinner we planned on relocating to a bar for drinks. One of our friends was nice enough to give her a ride in her car, but needed to stop at another friend’s apart. As we sat in the car, we suddenly came up with the idea to sneak up and scare her. As I finally gained the courage and composure to go through with the plan, I slowly approached her door, only to be greeted with her opening it and wondering why I looked like I was about to break into the place. On this night, I was Solid Snake.

3.     Once we arrived at the bar, the drinks piled up, the laughs became louder and the conversation became crazier. I don’t entirely remember everything we talked about, but I do remember being called a butler, then a maid, then a doorman. I also remember one of our friends deciding that she would be the new ruler and princess of Gimcheon. It’s amazing what we can become with a few drinks in us and how much fun we can have with company…

4.     Until one of guests decided to let loose a barrage of sexist and racists comments directed at one of our Korean guests. She broke down in tears and as he vainly tried to explain his position on how he was “right”, the rest of the people there valiantly came to her aid. As much as the situation was quickly decaying, it was almost inspiring to see our friends so quick to aid and help someone out. They made her feel better and let her know that one asshole wasn’t going to spoil her fun. What could have quickly turned bad ended up being the saving grace of the night.

It was a memorable night. As the night ended and we began to make our way back home, we all said our last goodbyes to our friend. This was possibly the final moment we would see him again. I gave him a hug and told him he would not be forgotten.

I can only hope that he leaves with good memories and years down the line long after the memories of the little town of Gimcheon and the crazy waygooks living there, he remembers the people. He remembers how much they appreciated the time spent, and just how much he would be missed.

So long good friend, we’ll see you when we see you. 

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